TTT: Nominative Determinism and Charactonyms

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is “Ten Characters I’d Name A Child/Dog/Cat/Car/Etc.”

My kids already have names (that I don’t divulge on the internet), I don’t own pets, and naming cars is weird, so I’m going to talk about nominative determinism and charactonyms.

1-3. Coriolanus Snow, Effie Trinket, and Tigris – the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Coriolanus was a Roman general and dictator, a trinket is an ornament of trivial value, and Tigris is a homophone for tigress.

  1. Remus Lupin – the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. When your last name is the Latin word for wolf, and you name your son after a man raised by wolves, some crazy werewolf might just choose to bite him!
  2. Mike Teevee – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. This might be a little too on the nose, Dahl.
  3. Cruella de Vil – The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith. Forget Mike Teevee, this is the most on the nose character name ever.

I’m linking up:Top Ten Tuesday


5 thoughts on “TTT: Nominative Determinism and Charactonyms

    • Selah at A Bibliophile's Style says:

      Thanks! I find the names in The Hunger Games fascinating. Collins uses Greco-Roman names for all of the Capitol citizens. The only exceptions are Tigris (who Katniss suspects changed her name) and Effie (which is probably a nickname for Euphemia, which is Greek). Okay, I’ll stop geeking out now. 😀


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