Shopping My Closet to Create28 Lovely Looks

Two of the blogs I follow are hosting remixes for February. There’s the Shop Your Closet Remix @ Greater Than Rubies and Create28 Lovely Looks @ A Lovely Little Wardrobe. They are extremely compatible, so I’m going to be linking up with both!

Honestly, I’m enjoying my closet right now and I don’t want to limit myself to 28 pieces. I also have my own restyle posts and a bunch of fashion link ups that I’m participating in, so I don’t want to pressure myself to follow either remix’s prompts. Instead, I’ve decided to give myself a very basic outfit formula for each day of the week and create 4 weeks worth of outfits from these 7 basic formulas: Outfit Formulas

Linking up:

5 thoughts on “Shopping My Closet to Create28 Lovely Looks

  1. mtsedwards says:

    Isn’t it lovely to be able to say “sleeveless blouse” in February? ;p

    I agree that participating in a whole bunch of linkups and challenges could prove off-putting, but your self-imposed restrictions look attainable to me. Can’t wait to see what all you concoct. 😀


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