Thoughtful Third Thursday: February 2014

Thoughtful Third Thursday

It’s finally here!  Our very first Thoughtful Third Thursday link up!

I’m taking my inspiration today from Agatha Christie: An Autobiography.  The first 3 sections of the book are about young Agatha’s childhood in Victorian England.  There is much discussion of Victorian values and social norms.  This is the quote that inspired me:

The drawing-room at Ealing was a wonderful period piece.  There was practically no room in it to move about.  It had a rather splendid thick Turkey carpet on the floor, and every type of brocaded chair; each one of them uncomfortable.  It had two, if not three, marquetry china cabinets, a large central candelabra, standard oil lamps, quantities of small whatnots, occasional tables, and French Empire furniture.  The light from the window was blocked by a conservatory, a prestige symbol that was a must, as in all self-respecting Victorian houses.

This quote inspired me to do something I never do – over accessorize!

T3 Collage 1

And here is how I actually wore the outfit, more 1990s than 1890s, eh?


Now it’s your turn!  Click the linky below, or visit my Thoughtful Third Thursday page for all the details!  Maricel and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Linking up for Thoughtful Third Thursday @ My Closet Catalogue

15 thoughts on “Thoughtful Third Thursday: February 2014

  1. Selah at A Bibliophile's Style says:

    Melissa – I do wear accessories, and I’ve worn 2 belts and a stack of bracelets before, but not at the same time. I definitely lean toward the “less is more” school of thought, but it was fun to play around. 🙂
    I’d suggest finding a type of accessory you really like (bracelets are my favorite) and starting a collection of that type. Another suggestion is to find a signature piece, something you wear frequently, almost like you wear your wedding ring(s). Mine is the sapphire pendant I’m wearing above.
    Thanks so much for stopping by!


  2. mtsedwards says:

    Thanks for the tip, Alex. I found that out as well. We’re newbies at this but it’s not so steep a learning curve so it should all be sorted fro next time.

    @Selah – I love how you showed a before and after of the outfit, but I challenge you to wear the inspiration outfit all day next time. Eheh. Coz you know I would’ve kept all the bling on all day. Then again, I don’t have judgy matrons looking down their noses at me.


    • Selah at A Bibliophile's Style says:

      LOL, judgy matrons!

      As I was just commenting on to Alex (over on her post), wearing something outside of my style comfort zone can be fun for awhile, but I prefer to wear outfits I LOVE. And I absolutely adore my “as worn” outfit! It’s different than anything I’ve worn recently, but I feel very “me” in it, you know?


  3. mtsedwards says:

    Yeah, I get you. And I can tell from your body language that you feel way more confident in the second outfit. I like both (sans belt coz I have no waist) so it’s all good.


  4. says:

    Selah, I really love this idea and have been waiting for it to launch. I love reading and adore books, but I hadn’t thought about how to link them together. Hence, why I was waiting to see the results. I love your take on the quote you posted. I may join in one day…when I get my head back into fiction but for now I’ve got to read for grad class.


    • Selah at A Bibliophile's Style says:

      Thank you Carrie! No pressure to link up this time, but I do want to encourage you to think outside of fiction. I used a quote from a biography and Alex @ Undergraduate Style used a non-fiction book. On my Thoughtful Third Thursday page I encourage you to use quotes from “novel, non-fiction, short story, magazine, blog, manga” and I will add to that textbooks and the Bible. 🙂 Anything you read that inspires an outfit idea!


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