Thoughtful Third Thursday: May 2014


While on vacation last week I read Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I have one major qualm. As a mother of two very bright children, I have a difficult  time believing that children (even geniuses) would behave like Ender, or any of the other children. I’m not sure if Card doesn’t know how to write children, or if he chose to write them like adults. If it was a choice, did he do it for pure shock value, or as a warning for the future of society?

Dragon was assigned the colors grey, orange, grey; Ender changed into his flash suit, then followed the ribbons of light until he came to the barracks that contained his army. They were there already, milling around near the entrance. Ender took charge at once.

– Chapter 10, Dragon

Then the new queen was laid before the old, a magnificent creature clad in soft and shimmering wings, which had long since lost the power of flight but still contained the power of majesty.

– Chapter 15, Speaker for the Dead

The first quote brought to mind this beautiful coral skirt, paired with a grey top. The second quote made me think of my butterfly top, which just happens to be grey. I love when things just work out perfectly!


And now for the announcement I’ve been teasing:

Now that we have a few months of T3 under our belts, we can see its strengths and weaknesses, and we’ve decided to tweak it a bit. We want to make the link up as accessible and fun as possible!

First, we want to clarify the outfit portion of T3. Obviously, we love seeing you wearing your outfits. Your lovely faces and quirky personalities add to the experience! However, sometimes the perfect outfit just isn’t available. Please, please don’t let that stop you from linking up! Get creative with a Polyvore ensemble, or draw a sketch. Our hope is that this clarification makes T3 more accessible, especially for those who aren’t style / fashion bloggers.

Next, we’re introducing themes to T3. Instead of always focusing on our most current reads, we’ll offer up a variety of prompts. Again, our hope is that having these themes will make it easier for everyone to get sartorially inspired, and not feel rushed to read something inspiring just for T3 (or not link up at all because you’re feeling uninspired by your current read 😦 ).

The themes for the next few months are as follows:

June 2014 – Favorite Childhood Read
July 2014 – Favorite Villain
August 2014 – Freebie (use your Current Read, or create your own theme – just don’t be surprised if we borrow it later 🙂 )

Last, but not least, we want your input! If you have ideas for future themes, please let us know in the comments.

16 thoughts on “Thoughtful Third Thursday: May 2014

  1. mtsedwards says:

    Niiiiice! Was wondering how you were gonna channel Ender’s Game into an outfit without looking like a Syfy extra. I shouldn’t have been concerned – you always manage to pull a great trick out of your hat. Butterflies and Ender? Who knew? I guess this is what happens when you’re a tortare – you actually digest and retain details rather than skim and bypass. Brilliant interpretation, as always!


  2. Alex @ Undergraduate Style says:

    I like those changes! I’ve been pestering one of my real-life friends who’s a really big reader/writer and has a blog to link up, but I think she’s really scared of doing a fashion linkup because she’s not a fashion blogger! I think the linkup will be a little more in her comfort zone for sure! And even though I’ll be away at camp for the summer, I’ll try really hard to write a little something to link up those weeks since I love this linkup so much 🙂 I love y’all’s dedication to this thing!


  3. Val S says:

    What a pretty outfit! The top is cute, and I love the mixture of coral and gray. Way too pretty for what sounds like a dystopian book.

    Now this is just a sort of wild suggestion, but you could do one prompt for Favorite Male Character.


  4. Connie* says:

    This is perfect inspiration. I was afraid this was going to get all costumey but you’ve kept it real. You look very chic. Interesting prompts. But I’m warning you, I like to break the rules…


  5. Charlotte Issyvoo says:

    I like to try to write in different literary styles. Can we do that too? This month, I posted something written in the style of a pulp novel.

    Is it okay if we’re not on target with the monthly theme? I teach college English so literature ends up in my posts a lot but may not match your themes.


    • Selah at A Bibliophile's Style says:

      I thought the post you wrote like pulp fiction was great! Feel free to do something like that again!
      I’m going to confab with Maricel about the sticking to the themes question. As I said to Connie, bending / breaking the rules is part of the creative process, but I would like to get Maricel’s input as well. 🙂


      • mtsedwards says:

        Maricel thinks loose interpretations are an English major/teacher’s bread and butter and I wouldn’t deny anyone the privilege. ;p


  6. Raised A Reader says:

    Ender’s Game is one of my favorite books, but that’s mainly because I love how it’s written and the plot twist at the end just had me going ‘wow!.’ But I do agree that Ender is not exactly child-like. I think Orson Scott Card chose it as a stylistic choice, although you could be right! 🙂


    • Selah at A Bibliophile's Style says:

      It just seemed to me that all the children acted like adults, onstensibly because they were super smart. Here’s an example of a real smart kid (my son): His vision is impaired so he says, “I appear to be at an optical disadvantage.” Smart, right? Except, the reason he can’t see is because he put a bucket on his head while pretending to be a knight (bucket = helmet), because he’s a kid. 😆

      Of course, I read the book as a 35 year old mom, so I’m not exactly the target audience. 😛


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